Selection of recent academic & public writing:

“Machine Sentries: The Planetary Marketplace that Sells Surveillance” PhD Thesis, University of Oxford. This thesis examines the flows of outsourced surveillance technologies, from its mottled past to its digital data futures today. Technologies, systems and logics have been exported across various borders throughout the centuries, often following colonial and imperial relations. This work untangles the power relations and messy geographies in the planetary marketplace that purports to ‘sell surveillance’.

“Projects in/around the Machine”, University of Oxford. This project examines stories of how AI/ML systems have become entangled in the rhythms of informal work in Asia. By engaging a network of workers, unions, researchers, and artists in the region, we aim to tease out tales of troubles, tinkering, and trickeries of living with AI/ML systems. 

Au, Y. (2023). The sprint to plug in the moon. In C. Cath (Ed.), Eaten by the Internet (pp. 27–34). Meatspace Press.

Herasimenka, A., Au, Y., Bright, J., George, A., Knuutila, A., Joynes-Burgess, K., and Howard, P. (2023). The political economy of digital profiteering: Communication resource mobilization by anti-vaccination actors. Journal of Communication, 73(2), 126–137.